Queensland’s recycling capability gets a significant boost this National Recycling Week with the opening of ResourceCo’s new $70 million facility capable of saving 250,000 tonnes of local waste going to landfill.

The new facility in Hemmant is slated to achieve 95% landfill diversion by recycling waste from Brisbane and south east Queensland businesses and councils.

ResourceCo Energy Chief Executive Officer Henry Anning said it is exciting to open such a unique facility within Brisbane and the Southeast Queensland market.

“Queensland has one of the lowest state-wide resource recovery rates in Australia. ResourceCo’s new site presents councils and businesses with a new opportunity to manage their waste in a more sustainable manner by diverting it away from landfill” he said.

“At this facility ResourceCo will receive waste that has previously only been able to go landfill. We’ll separate recyclables, then produce an alternate fuel that replaces coal as an energy source for high energy using cement manufacturers.

“We expect this facility, situated only 15km east of Brisbane CBD, to divert up to 250,000 tonnes of commercial, industrial and construction and demolition waste away from landfill every year.

“Every tonne of this waste that we divert from landfill saves one tonne of carbon that would be released through methane at a landfill. This is in addition to another tonne of carbon emissions saved by cement manufactures who use our fuel to replace coal.”

Anning said the new facility, which took seven years from conception to operation, will be critical for sustainability efforts and diverting waste from landfill in the region as it enters a period of growth.

“With Brisbane hosting the Olympics in 2032, there’s an increased focus and demand on sustainability, recycling and carbon reduction,” he said.

“The area is also set to undergo a major population growth over the coming decades as well, which leads to more waste being produced.”

The facility will contribute to the sustainability efforts of councils and businesses across the region.

“This facility allows a whole range of councils, business and developments around Brisbane to achieve landfill diversion targets that weren’t previously possible,” he said.

“Mandatory climate-related reporting is upon us and business, councils and communities are increasingly aware of their greenhouse gas emissions. Facilities like this will help businesses and councils reduce their scope 3 emissions by diverting their waste from landfill.”

The fourth facility of its type operated by the company across Australia and Asia, the establishment of the new Hemmant plant has been supported with funding from the Queensland Government’s Resource Recovery Industry Development Program.


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