ResourceCo’s new range of soil products are emerging as convenient, quality and cost-effective soils that are meeting the needs of our growing customer-base.

Quality soil that doesn’t cost the earth

Leveraging our 30-year pedigree in recycling throughout Australia, alongside our renowned soil reuse capabilities and market knowledge, we’ve now created soil products for a wide range of applications.

From screened soils to a mid-range blended soil, high-grade sandy loams and AS4419 compliant soils – these new products are supporting growth across the country.

Meet our new soil products

Screened Soil – Used predominantly by landscapers, builders and civil contractors, our screened soil is an ideal sub-soil and in fill applications.

Used as a layer under a higher-grade soil, this product offers a cost-effective option to build up land below growing/landscaped levels before a high-grade product would then be used (such as our Sandy Loam or AS4419 products).

Sandy Loam – Landscapers and sports field constructors make the most of our naturally sandy soil. This screened product is used in high-end applications including throughout turfed areas, sporting fields and golf courses.

RM Blend – Our Reclaimed Material Blend (RM Blend) combines recycled soils and sands with additional additives to improve the quality of the soil, making it ideal for use in gardens, as well as landscaping soil. This product is comparable to the “Premium” or “Garden” soils already on the market for a fraction of the price.

AS4419 – Used in civil landscaping and government projects, along with reinstating growth on highways and other roadways, AS4419 meets the Australian standard for civil landscapers, Vicroads projects and other government projects.

To find out more about these products, please email Jayden Bushell at or call him on 0429 810 554.